In my new role as an ENL teacher, technology has become an even more indispensable part of my teacher toolkit. English learners benefit from anything that adds context to speech and text. The ability to add images, video, and sound effects to our class materials helps English learners draw connections between the content knowledge they may have in their home language, and the academic vocabulary they need for their English-centric education. While collaboration has always been an important aspect of my classroom, it is even more necessary for English learners who may need help from their peers. Collaborating with classmates also allows English learners to practice their speaking and listening skills. Although these strategies are possible to use without technology, some technological tools have made them infinitely easier.
One resource that my colleagues and I love is Edpuzzle. Edpuzzle allows teachers to upload their own videos or pull videos from other sources like Youtube. Then, teachers can embed questions, notes, and resources throughout the video. This ability is a game changer for English learners, as they can learn about content through video instead of just listening to a lecture, and they can rewatch the video as many times as they'd like. Teachers can also embed closed captioning in English or other languages to help students comprehend.
Another great website that capitalizes on the power of video is Flip (formerly Flipgrid). This tool not only allows students to record and view videos, but also allows students to respond to each other. Unlike a traditional discussion board which may pose a challenge for young children or students with limited writing skills, Flip allows all students to speak, listen, and collaborate with the assistance of video to help them learn and understand.